$ound Advice
I recently had lunch with two of my esteemed colleagues. One is a leading accountant in the music industry and the other is an attorney/songwriter advocate.
We were discussing the tax benefits of selling a songwriter’s catalog vs. using a line of credit based on the equity value of the catalog. Many artists and songwriters have been selling – or are considering selling – their songwriter’s share, based in part on the recent capital gains treatment alluded to (but not yet ruled on) in H.R. 4297 – The Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act. NSAI and others did a great job of moving this important issue forward, and it has now been signed into law. However, the IRS has yet to rule on the interpretation of the law, i.e., how to treat a songwriter’s future royalty rights. The consensus of my recent lunch and conversations with other tax professionals on the question of whether capital gains vs. ordinary income tax treatment should be used for the sale of a songwriter’s catalog is that it is still very much a grey area – until the IRS decides to make a specific ruling on the issue. The bottom line is this: If you or your client are deciding on whether to sell or leverage the equity in a songwriter catalog, you should seriously consider the possibility that such a sale could be treated as ordinary income (at a higher rate) by the IRS in the future. On the other hand, you could take advantage of a smart alternative and tap into the catalog’s equity through a lo
an or line of credit. This option offers you immediate access to the equity in the catalog, while delaying the majority of the tax liability to later years and letting the future royalties repay the loan. Best of all, at the end of the day, you or your client still own the catalog.
Keep it in the groove,
Eli Ball
CEO Lyric Financial
For those who could not attend, last month’s Atlantis Music Conference was outstanding (http://www.atlantismusic.com/). The clear benefit of the Atlantis Conference is that it is serious enough to attract an impressive array of professional and creative talent, while remaining intimate enough to make networking and showcases meaningful. Better yet, it’s hosted in Hotlanta! Shout-outs to Mark Willis, Rich Levy, Kathy Stringer and the whole Atlantis team for a job well done. While in town our friends at BMI co-hosted a receptioin with LYRIC at the Luckie Lounge...it was a fantastic event! Many thanks to the fabulous Catherine Brewton, David Claasen and Byron Wright.